Thursday, February 5, 2009

Pepsi Owns Diabetes

I completely abhor the mass consumption of soft drinks in this country and around the world, because it is such a major contributor to obesity and diabetes. But Coke and Pepsi hold a stranglehold on this juggernaut and if these two purveyors of "kiddie suds" were to be judged simply by their Super Bowl Ads I would have to crown Pepsi the King of Diabetes.

Coke tried to remake the famously touching "Mean Joe Green" ad and completely disrespected a classic piece of television and Troy Polamalu in the process.


2009 Abomination

On the other hand Pepsi released a sensational cross generational multimedia masterpiece with a remake of "Forever Young".

2009 Masterpiece

Did you see that? Will.I.Am and the new Pepsi logo with a striking similarity to the logo of our new president during his campaign. Pepsi is the Obama band wagon baby. Hop on and crack a cold one!

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